Sarkari. Hi. Pra. Shale Kasaragodu
Sarkari. Hi. Pra. Shale Kasaragodu, Koduge: Ramanna Rai" revolves around the lives of children of a Kannada medium school in Kasargodu, Kerala. The joyous and mischief-filled lives of the kids are brought to a halt with the government's decision to close the school. What follows is an adventure-filled endeavour of the kids to save their school.
Cast : Anant Nag, Ranjan, Sampath, Pramod Shetty, Saptha Pavoor, Mahendra, Sohan Shetty, Prakash Thuminad
Director : Rishab Shetty
Producer : Rishab Shetty
Co-Producers : B V Ravi Rai, Akshata Shetty
Banner : Rishab Shetty Films
Music : Vasuki Vaibhav
Background Music : Ajaneesh Lokanath
DOP : Venkatesh Anguraj
Dialogues : Abhijit Mahesh, Raj B Shetty
Lyrics : K Kalyan, Trilok Trivikrama, Avinash Balekkala, Veeresh Shivamurthy
Editor : Pradeep Rao, Pratheek Shetty
Colorist : Tom C Jose
VFX : Pratheek Shetty
Hyperlapse : Pratheek Shetty
Animation : Tribal Art and Films
Art : Vasanth Kulakarni Executive
Producer : Pramod Shetty Line
Producer : Arpith Adyar, Shamil Bangera
Sound Design : Sync Cinema
Sound Mixing : Aravind Menon
Costume Designer : Pragathi Rishab Shetty
Publicity Design : Adarash Mohandas, Kreativecrew
Year: 2018